Max Styles Painting

Painting Mad Man!!!!

Hour 12

 OK so I am in our 12 and it's lunchtime we who also is a special little daddy that I like so far he'll be a wonderful donation piece I believe  


 Are you sick of these updates yet well you've only got 12 more to go  


Hour 9

  and I think I'm slow down a bit starting to block out some of the bigger models now just for fun but I should rally in a little bit hopefully Anyway here's a here's another picture 


Hour 7

 OK so I'm finishing these guys up and I'm gonna move on to the charity piece of some more stuff but I think I'll show it to you in the next hour  



So I was supper excited to get these in the mail the other day.

I have always been a bit of a tool junkie -- if you have followed me for a while you may remember that I have built paint racks, have rearranged my work-space several times, made my own miniature holders and tons of other miniature related fiddling.  When I saw these at ReaperCon last year, I have been wanting to try them out but never really found a chance to pick one out.  I saw Jay Adan 3D print one and seemed to like using it.  Seeing it in practice peaked my interest even more.  Just as I was about to make one, I saw this KickStarter from Rathcore and jumped all in.  

I've been using them for about a week now, and I have to say that I really like them.   The bar doubles as a stabilizer for your hand as well as on for your brush when you are doing fine detail.  They also make handling a miniature upside down while getting into the hard to reach areas a snap.  Or more of a snap.  There is really no good way to reach the hard to reach areas on a miniature in a snap, unless its a break with reality but that is a different sort of snap.

True to Jefferism philosophy (Read that as obsession), I now have it my head that I can make my own version of them using cork stoppers, brass wire,  and wooden spools.  Why? You ask.  Simple.  I can't leave well enough alone.  I know that Rathcore makes the best holders around but somehow I feel that I will be more connected to the hobby if I make my own version.  Sort of like the idea that a Jedi must forge his own light saber before he becomes a Jedi.  If I am successful I will post some pictures of them.

Here we go again

Anyone tired of seeing the purple dragon yet?  Does that sound like some drink that you will travel the wastelands before taking?  Like the spice in Dune?  "Gorick and Ted traveled for 40 days to have a tall glass of the Purple Dragon.  It is said that he who can finish the cup and spill no drops will see the Purple Dragon and be granted an audience.  If she takes favor on you, you will be given a boom"  Okay, so I have digressed a bit there.  I will show you the purple dragon last so you can see.....  The Undead Minotaur!  

This guy is one of the bad guys from Zombicide Black Plague -- and as a friend says "really no fun to fight".  Still I love this sculpt and I have mixed emotions seeing it on the game board.  The first is "that is a cool mini" which is followed quickly by "Well shi#$#@...  We are dead"

Next here is purple dragon.  Drink deep the gathering gloom.....

Still work to do blah blah blah....

More Dragon Work here....

More work on the purple dragon completed this weekend.  I like the white claws on the wingtips and horns.  Just about getting ready to give the spines on the back the orange treatment. Part of me thinks it will be too much (AKA suck) and part of me things it will be very cool so I have decided to try it with the idea that I can redo them white if I hate it.  

I about ready to start working on the face, primarily the eyes, since I'm starting to settle into the details now.  I want to draw attention to the face in order to increase the drama.  As for basing this bad boy, I would love to perch him on the head of a statue if I can find one that works, adding in some broken weapons, gold, treasure chests, and come corpses.  Of course, I am keeping my options open at this point because inspiration may strike and I want to be ready.

More Purple Dragon--plus tank rust

Are you tired of seeing the Purple dragon pictures? (BTW Purple Dragon Pictures is my Imagine Dragons cover band)  No?  Yes? Well, here they come.  I've been working on the wings and claws, but I have been agonizing over the spikes on the back for a while.  I don't think I like the orange spikes but I'm not really sure either.  Going ivory like the claws would be a pretty safe choice but who gets anywhere by taking the safe choice?  Okay, so lots of people... But who breaks new ground by being safe? Lots of people you say?  Well, they have to work at it for a long time before they get a breakthrough...  Your right I have no idea what I'm talking about.  That being said enjoy the picture of Jimi.  Next time expect to see him/her with orange spikes just to see what it looks like.  I can always repaint.

lastly, there is the tank.  I would like to see this in some sort of post-apocalypse game where it is really weather beaten and rusty but I think I underdid it on the rust.  I was following along on the Miniature Monthy (subscribe now -- best 5 bucks you have ever spent) site and I like the way the rust came out -- I just wanted more of it.  I wasn't aggressive enough with the mold builder.  Oh well, I could always redo it but I think I will keep going with it.

Purple the magic dragon

Hi all and welcome back to my purple dragon saga.  I've been playing with colors and I kind of like this result -- so far at least.  It is in no way close to the image I had in my head, and I have been arguing with Jimi the whole time.  Did I mention that I named him Jimi?  No?  So I named the dragon Jimi.  I had to name him because it hard to argue with someone who doesn't have a name.  Don't believe me?  Just give it a try and see how it works out of you.

Anyway, here are some pictures just to keep me honest.

Purple Dragon all in my brain..

Lately, things to don't seem the same.
Painted it purple.  I don't know why....
Excuse me while I post this guy.

----(Sorry Jimi)----

I have somehow got it into my head that I want to do a purple dragon.  Why?  I don't know but it doesn't seem to be leaving.  In fact, it has ensconced itself in my brain like a brain bug.  These are the first tests in order to make the voices in my head shut up and mainly to get an idea or what it will look like.  Or more accurately, see how the picture in my head will translate into what the finished product will look like.  My first thought is that it needs to be darker - a lot darker -- the wings need to be handled more carefully.  Not really sure what I mean by that but maybe make them darker and hint more at the color I want them in the highlights....  Any, here are some test shots I took...