Max Styles Painting

Painting Mad Man!!!!

Hour 17

The butt shout too


 Glad I wasn't finished with the skin because I had a little bit of a mishap with the red but honey tired that's what happens  


 Wow apples speech to text makes it look like I am totally drunk  

Hour 17 -- math is really hard

 OK I'm slowing way down now but I'm still going I think I'm going to have to go start making some sort of dinner which is totally fine but I am babbling now anyway here's a picture of trump.  He just needs ice and then he's pretty close to finished tired though so my details are in the sack so I may not actually do his eyes right now I wait till later


Hour 12

 OK so I am in our 12 and it's lunchtime we who also is a special little daddy that I like so far he'll be a wonderful donation piece I believe  


 Are you sick of these updates yet well you've only got 12 more to go  


Hour 9

  and I think I'm slow down a bit starting to block out some of the bigger models now just for fun but I should rally in a little bit hopefully Anyway here's a here's another picture 


Hour 7

 OK so I'm finishing these guys up and I'm gonna move on to the charity piece of some more stuff but I think I'll show it to you in the next hour  
