Max Styles Painting

Painting Mad Man!!!!

Reaper Bones Ogre

This is one of my current projects...  An ogre for a DnD game I ran for some kids.  I had forgotten how fun it is to run for kids.  Their have incredible imaginations and don't get involved in the rules at all.  They just try to do stuff and see what happens.

Okay.. Okay..  I will say some stuff about the painted miniatures.  So far this piece is one of my favorite things I have painted for gaming certainly within the last year.  The skin is a mix of Reaper Master Series Midnight Blue and Nightmare Black which turned quit nicely I think.  I added it to my recipe file so I must have liked. The metal armor, shield edges, and club spikes and bands are done with some of the Scale 75 paint that I got from hangar 18.  They are a bit thicker than other paints but still thin down nicely which makes them excellent in my book.  The face on the shield is quick effect using the badger transparent paints over a RMS pail yellow and covered with Reaper Matte finish to remove the gloss.  The base is just green stuff pressed into shape using a stamp from Happy Seppuku I added a couple of tufts of grass I got from hangar 18 to give the base a bit more interest.