Max Styles Painting

Painting Mad Man!!!!

WWMD Completed!

Well WWMD 2016 is in the record books now -- at least for me anyway.  I managed to completed my 24hour challenge but it was close I have to say.  I started getting really tired toward the end and my ability to do detail started to suffer... ALOT.  So I switched to painting just the basic color schemes and planning to complete the details at a later time.  About half way through I started having trouble (well more trouble than normal) picking color schemes.  It had encountered this problem last year so I planed for it this year by painting models to match artwork from the game they belonged to.  AKA I painted the Zombicide characters to match the character cards in the game. This worked pretty well but added the problem deciding how closely a color matched the artwork.  Not as big a problem but it still slowed me down.

Enough talk, the pictures are below.