Max Styles Painting

Painting Mad Man!!!!

WIP from the weekend or Weekend WIPS

Some new commission WIPs to show off.  These are done with an airbrush for the most part.  I have become more dependent on it ever sense Aaron Lovejoy's class in San Diego at Kingdom Con.  I have embraced inks for this work and i am please with the results so far.  The contrast is striking.

Next up a couple of winged demons -- the wings are heavily airbrushed with Reaper MSP paint and Army Painter shades.

Lastly comes a griffin rider.  This one is bluish as per the clients request but I really like the way the teal looks against the dark rider.  The fur cloak has a fair amount of ink shading -- did I mention that I am starting to fall in love with the liquitex inks?  Well I am.    The rider has some carbon black shading as well as some panes gray for depth.