Max Styles Painting

Painting Mad Man!!!!

Last of the commission work... before we rework the office... er a studio

okay so I started calling it my studio so my skills would improve....  Ha ha ha ya my family looks at me with that same look.  ya the one you are sporting on your mug right now.  On one hand it makes me laugh at its sillyness but on the other if makes me take the craft more seriously.

Anyway here is my latest work.  enjoy

Finished Work

Lots of commission work in the queue....

Hey y'all,

You haven't heard from me in a while but with the new job and a butt load of commission work in the queue I just haven't had the time.  Yeah I know.  Everyone says that....  Well um.... Yeah....  How about some pictures of what I have been painting?

In other news I have found the best, absolute best, primer.  You want to know at it is?  Well I'm not tellin' you.  Really I'm not.  Okay I will.  Its the Badger Stynylrez series.  It comes in varies sizes and in white, grey, and black.  I liked it so much that I picked up all threw color of those colors plus a couple of other nonstandard colors.  The best thing about these primers is that they sticks really well to resin and reaper bones figures and its easy to get smooth even coverage.  Its designed for airbrushes but I can be brushed on (although I did not try it with a brush).  Its quite opaque as you would expect from a good primer but its not as thick as other primers so a quick pass from my air brush was all I needed to get the job done.  Add to that the ease of being able to pour it right out of the bottle and into my Patriot Extreme and we have a winner.

Thats all for this time and I hope to get some more pictures up this weekend as I plow my way through the list.


Post ReaperCon blues

I have not posted in a while because I have been busy with the new job.  So far its seems to be going well and I am pretty happy -- but you want to know what I have been working on right?  Well let me show you want I won at ReaperCon 2016 -- three, count them, three silver medals.  I could not have been happier with the result.  I entered this one in the open competition which means that they take the base, conversion, and paint job into consideration.  In case you are wondering, the tentacles and skulls are added on this guy.  The skulls on the shield were stamped out of greenstuff and the ones on the "cloak" were purchased from secret weapon miniatures and added to the cloak as I added more greenstuff.

This is my humble diorama entry this year.  Its called "Eternal Guard Duty" and the concept is that the spirit of the dead guy is still on guard duty even though 1) the treasury is already looted and 2) He is dead.

Lastly is this guy.  This guy fought me all the way to ReaperCon and at ReaperCon and he is STILL fighting me.  He trailed in the completed stages as I focused on the other two (they were nearer to being done) and as I left for ReaperCon I vowed to finish him there.  I tried, I really tried but he sill kept fighting me.  At last we came to blows only hours before entries were due and a couple of friends witnessed my wig out.  "F&ck it!  I'm just turning him as he is.  F$ck it!  I'm so done with you!  You F&cking piece of SH!T!  F@ck it and F*ck you!"  And with that I turned him in.  As the relief settled in and I started wondering if I could pull him out and work on him some more a friend of mine said "I was looking at him earlier and he looked great to me.  What more were you going to do to him if you had more time?"  I didn't have an answer for him but I did think it was funny.  Anyway I would have been happy with a bronze on this one -- but he won a silver.  Not sure how he was able to sneak past the judges but here he is.  And yes we still hate each other.

Reapercon 2016 wip

So.... I started a new job after being in the same spot for 22+ years.  It's a longer commute but it's way more money which means more miniature money.  The downside is that I will have less time to paint for a bit but I'm still pushing to get my entries in for Reapercon this year.  Here are a few pictures I took with my iPhone just to let everyone know that I'm still active. 

just the horse

just the horse

This is the horse and rider

This is the horse and rider

This one is completely unconverted

This one is completely unconverted

ReaperCon 2016... The work continues

Hi all.  I haven't posted in a fair bit of time so I thought I would throw up some quick pics from my iphone.  My personal life has been pretty exciting right now with some possible changes on the way.  More on that front when things are official.

So here is the skeletal horse and rider that I have been converting.  The shield is almost finished and ready to be painted.  The runes on the horse are not in their final color yet as I plan on glazing them with another color.  The only choice is which one?  Should I make them all the same color or mix it up?

And then there is is....

ReaperCon 2016 is almost here!

Well sort of -- I any pretty busy with non-painting activities for a bit so the time seems more crowed than it probably is.  Anyway here are some works in progress for 2016.  First up is an undead cavalry piece which I have been converting a bit.  I am added skulls to the shield and plan on added a cape for free hand work pictured separately.  The pictured one is a test piece to get the hang of doing a ragged cape.

Next is a ghostly figure which features no conversion

Lastly some pics of the grave warden from Reaper.

Feel free to post any suggestions or comments below.  I am especially trying to figure out how to make the symbols pop on the horse without overpowering the armor color.